Mythos e Protos

Maicol Borghetti and his Archaeology of the Future
This project unfolds as the odyssey of a future humanity, discovering the vestiges of other worlds and transcending the vast expanse of interstellar space. Through the creation of sculptures and grand mixed-media prints on aluminum or canvas, it delves into humanity’s intricate relationship with time. The sculptures of Mythos and Protos embark on a profound exploration of temporal significance.
Since its inception in 2008 and realization years later, beginning in 2019, Mythos & Protos has been intricately woven into the fabric of time. Crafted using an innovative technique known as digital casting, the sculptures emerge as a fusion of various fields, from photography to design, resulting in works imbued with an enigmatic temporal essence, defying conventional categorization. This project has been exhibited at the Lucca Contemporary Art Museum, the Archaeological Museum of the City of Bari, and the Archaeological Museum of Pietrasanta, and has won numerous awards.
Catalog 2024, Mythos and Protos, Portraits from the Future.
Catalog from Exploring the Ego of Times, Museo Archeologico Versiliese “Bruno Antonucci”.